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Monday, October 11, 2010

Indian Creek Home Owners' Association – Annual Yard Sale

Dear Indian Creek Neighbors and Friends:

The date of the neighborhood Yard Sale is now set for Saturday, October 23rd.  We plan to start at 9:00 am and go until about 4:00 pm.  We will be accepting donated goods for the sale starting at 8:30 am.  Please tell all your neighbors about the sale as it will benefit all of us.  The money raised from the yard sale will be used to pay for the maintenance of the front of the subdivision (and to pay off the amount still owed from last year). 

If anyone wishes to volunteer to help, please let me know.  We need as many volunteers as possible.  Even if you can only give an hour or two of your time, it would make a big difference.  We also need as many tables as we can borrow to use to display the donated goods.  Again, if you can donate your time to help or if you have a table you can loan the association for the day, please let us know.

Please start saving your items for the sale.  We will ask everyone to pre-price their own items prior to drop-off and please be sure they are clean.  We will be collecting items the morning of the sale and all throughout the day.  We ask that you also put your last name by the price so we know who to credit for the donation when it is sold.  All items not sold during the sale will be donated to Goodwill.

Also, here is a link for making monetary donations to the Home Owners’ Association Bank Account.  If you can’t donate money, please consider donating your time.  Contact me with any questions or comments at 404-786-0882, or comment this page.  Thanks for your support for our cozy neighborhood!

Laine Liss

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