Welcome! We are glad that you've found our page. Please feel free to browse our web-site, subscribe to our updates, connect with us on Twitter or Facebook. We are also on NextDoor: connect with your neighbors here.

If you are a new homeowner at Indian Creek, please contact us to be included in private mailing list; also please visit our Donations page.

Thanks, and see you around!

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Friday, November 12, 2010

Spring Event for ICHOA

Anyone interested in helping plan a spring event for our neighborhood? Chili cook-off? Potluck? Another yard sale? Or just a plain old Party? Feel free to contact me (Laine) for any ideas!
Free Mulch -- Call 678-355-3413 to receive free mulch from Cobb EMC when they are in our area cutting trees. I think they have already been through our neighborhood this fall, but this is good to know for next year!

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Yard Sale was a complete success!! We raised $731!! I want to give credit to all those who helped: Denise Rogers, Steve Abrams, Sergey Latkin, Gulia Gadberry, Hannah Zambratta, Valerie Rannestad, Karen Collins, Regan Yates and Matthew Liss. Thanks to all of you for your time and help. Also, I want to thank all of you who donated your stuff that brought all the money in! And, last but not least to any of you who bought items from the yard sale.
This money will get us through a few months of yard service. Great job everyone! Next year will be bigger and better, so start saving your stuff again!
Thanks again, Laine Liss

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Indian Creek Yard Sale!

Only 6 days until the Yard Sale! Hope you are getting your items ready.
We still need tables if you have them. If you have time to come out and help, we would appreciate that too. Remember, all proceeds go towards the Home Owner's Association to pay for lawn maintenance.
Thanks and see you Saturday, October 23rd for the Yard Sale, 9 am to 4 pm.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Indian Creek Home Owners' Association – Annual Yard Sale

Dear Indian Creek Neighbors and Friends:

The date of the neighborhood Yard Sale is now set for Saturday, October 23rd.  We plan to start at 9:00 am and go until about 4:00 pm.  We will be accepting donated goods for the sale starting at 8:30 am.  Please tell all your neighbors about the sale as it will benefit all of us.  The money raised from the yard sale will be used to pay for the maintenance of the front of the subdivision (and to pay off the amount still owed from last year). 

If anyone wishes to volunteer to help, please let me know.  We need as many volunteers as possible.  Even if you can only give an hour or two of your time, it would make a big difference.  We also need as many tables as we can borrow to use to display the donated goods.  Again, if you can donate your time to help or if you have a table you can loan the association for the day, please let us know.

Please start saving your items for the sale.  We will ask everyone to pre-price their own items prior to drop-off and please be sure they are clean.  We will be collecting items the morning of the sale and all throughout the day.  We ask that you also put your last name by the price so we know who to credit for the donation when it is sold.  All items not sold during the sale will be donated to Goodwill.

Also, here is a link for making monetary donations to the Home Owners’ Association Bank Account.  If you can’t donate money, please consider donating your time.  Contact me with any questions or comments at 404-786-0882, or comment this page.  Thanks for your support for our cozy neighborhood!

Laine Liss

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Yard Sale is going to be rescheduled again, date TBD

Dear Neighbors and Friends: I have to apologize for all the changes, but scheduling is difficult. Something, has come up that has made the Oct. 17th date impossible for us.

Please send me your ideas of what would be a good time to conduct this yard sale. Please comment what date is good for you.

We need your input!

Laine Liss

Monday, October 4, 2010

Yard Sale Rescheduled

Dear Neighbors and Friends:

After speaking with a few folks about schedule conflicts, we are moving the ICHOA yard sale back a few weeks so that more folks can help out. (thanks to those who already volunteered their time). Right now, it looks like the best date will be Sunday, October 17th, with the following Sunday (October 24th ) as the rain date. Unfortunately, I am unable to do it any other Saturday in October. The date is Saturday, October 23rd.

Please mark your calendar and please reply back to me if you can help out in any way. Right now, any time you can give would be helpful, even if it was just an hour to watch the shoppers and answer their questions (and to keep them honest as there is a lot of area to cover). We also need tables for displaying items. The yard sale will run from 9 am to 4 pm and we will start setting up (for drop off of goods) around 8:00 am. Matthew will bring the coffee and donuts.

Matthew and our boys (Martin and Marshall) have volunteered to work from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm but we need help all day long and especially with the clean up and hauling to GoodWill (whatever we don’t sell we will try to drop off at GoodWill). Before the sale, I will need help in handing out notices about the yard sale to the neighborhood. If you can help, please send me an e-mail message with your contact information.
So, if you can help with the yard sale, please let me know and please also let your neighbors know that we need both help and donation items. Our neighborhood will only get better (and the grass will be cut) with everyone’s help!

Thanks for your assistance and support.

Laine Liss

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Yard Sale

Dear Indian Creek Home Owners:

The front of the subdivision is looking great and we want to keep it that way. At our last meeting we talked about having a yard sale to raise money for the subdivision to keep up the lawn maintenance. My husband, Matthew, and I have picked a date that we are available to do this. October 9th is a Saturday. New date: October 23rd, Saturday! We plan to start at 9am and go until about 4p.

If anyone wishes to volunteer to help, please let me know. Please start saving items for the sale. We will ask everyone to price their own items and please be sure they are clean. I will not be able to collect items until the day of the sale, due to space issues. Please tell all your neighbors about the sale as it will benefit all of us.

I will be sending out another email and a flyer on your mailboxes within the next couple of weeks.

Contact me with any questions or comments: 404-786-0882.

Thanks for your support for our cozy neighborhood!

Laine Liss

Friday, August 6, 2010

2010-2011 School bus schedule



MABRY MIDDLE: Bus # 1522




Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Just a friendly reminder

Below is the list of the most common violations of Cobb county code and State of Georgia code that can be found in our neighborhood.

Although we, ICHOA understand that we have no authority to cite violations, we want to remind you that these violations lower the curb appeal of our neighborhood and we respectfully request that you comply with the code. We reserve the right to contact Cobb county authorities if necessary to rectify these violations.


Vehicles must be parked along the curb, facing in the correct direction of traffic flow, have a valid tag and be operational. Vehicles can not be parked in the grass or unimproved surface between the roadway and the home's front setback.

Only one vehicle, one boat and one recreational vehicle (or any combination of such totaling 3) may be parked in the rear yard and on a hardened surface.

No materials, equipment or business vehicles may be stored or parked on the premises, except for one business vehicle, used exclusively by the resident. A vehicle used as commercial transportation with a manufacturer's gross vehicle weight greater than 12500 pounds is not allowed to be parked on residential property.

Junk Cars

Residents cannot store a vehicle or trailer of any kind dismantled, inoperative or without a current tag on any street or residential property. Exceptions include vehicles or trailers in a completely enclosed buildings.


The owner of residential property should not to permit weeds to obtain a height exceeding 12 inches on at least 10% of the size of the property tract or 35% of the pervious surface, whichever is greater, unless exempted.


Animal owners, or persons who care for animals at the person's residence, must keep their property, including but not limited to their yards, porches, balconies, decks, and interior living spaces reasonably free of animal waste including feces and urine and the residue thereof. Animal waste shall be removed in a timely manner by placing said material in a closed or sealed container and thereafter disposing of it in the animal owner's trash receptacle, sanitary disposal unit, or other closed or sealed refuse container, so as to provide a sanitary and odor-free condition at all times.

Persons who permit their animals to defecate on public or private property other than their own property are required to immediately pick up the feces, bag the feces, and properly dispose of the feces. Animal waste shall be removed by placing said matter in a closed or sealed container and thereafter disposing of it in the animal owner's or public trash receptacle, sanitary disposal unit or other closed or sealed refuse container.

Monday, August 2, 2010

We are back online!

Hello, after several months of downtime we are back, under new plaftorm and new administration! There's more to come, check back soon.